Getting a diagnosis
We have a wide range of modern methods to find out the reasons for your fertility problems. What we will do, will be discussed with you and explained to you in advance, order and kind of treatments are very individual. Some of the diagnostics will provide us with results at the same day, samples were taken and will be reviewed with you almost in realtime. As soon, as we have finished the basal examinations, we will start with your treatment. The cost for your first appointment and basal diagnostics is paid for by your health insurance. This applies to married and unmarried couples. Before there will be any additional cost for you, the doctors will inform you.
Diagnosing female infertility problems
Test of hormones of the female reproductive system
We will take a blood sample, preferably at the beginning of your cycle. Male and female hormones involved in reproduction will be tested as well as the thyroid hormone TSH and prolactin (usually playing a role in lactation). During an exact monitoring of your menstrual cycle another blood samples will be taken, so we will gain information about oocyte maturation and ovulation and the subsequent luteal phase.
Ultrasound guided vaginal sonography
The uterine cavity, the uterine lining (endometrium) and the ovaries can be examined by a vaginal ultrasound scan. Myoma can be detected (benign tumors of the muscle wall of the uterus), ovarian cysts, some forms of endometriosis and even uterine malformations.
Examination for infections
We can do a cervical smear to test for Chlamydia, as these are the most frequent cause of inflammations of the cervix. Chlamydia (bacteria) can lead to a blockage of the fallopian tubes.
Testing out tubal patency
If the tubes are intact can be tested by ultrasound with injection of a contrast medium into the fallopian tubes (this is done in our clinic) or by laparoscopy. Laparoscopy will be performed in a hospital. During the same procedure other sicknesses can be treated, if present and the uterine cavity is inspected by an endoscope (hysteroscopy) .
Genetic counseling and examination
Sometimes there are genetic reasons for infertility. Chromosomes can be analyzed with a blood sample.
Recurrant pregnancy loss
Habitual abortion, recurrent miscarriage or recurrent pregnancy loss is the occurrence of three or more pregnancies that end in miscarriage of the fetus. There are various reasons for this condition. We have the possibility to test a wide range of possible factors by chromosome analysis, hormonal analysis, hysteroscopy, test for blood coagulation anomalities (thrombophilia) and do some immunological testing.
Diagnosing male infertility problems
Semen analysis
A semen analysis will tell us about the number of sperm in the ejaculate, their motility and their morphology. Usually we will recommend 2 analyses at an interval of 8 – 12 weeks, as the quality can vary. It is important, that our patients shouldn’t ejaculate 2 to an maximum of 5 days before semen analysis.
Examination for infections
The ejaculate will be examined once for the presence of bacteria. Inflammations and infections can thus be revealed and treated.
Test of hormones of the male reproductive system
If the semen analysis shows abnormalities, we will examine the male hormones from a blood sample.
Ultrasound examination of the testes
This is done by a urologist, if semen analysis shows certain abnormalities or if there are any known diseases of the testis.
Genetic counseling and examination
Sometimes there are genetic reasons for infertility. Chromosomes can be analyzed with a blood sample.